

Kh.Batjargal: Sustainability of development policy secured by the Constitution

Ulaanbaatar /MONTSAME/ 30 years have passed since Mongolia transitioned from a centrally planned economy into a market economy.

There were much talks about the mistakes that were made during this time, from a political point of view —however, there has not been any conclusive discussion yet regarding fundamental economic analysis. Despite this, from the ‘Vision-2050’ long-term development policy document as well as the plans that define the development of Mongolia for the next 30 years, you will notice that the word, “economy”, is mentioned quite a bit throughout the documents. Thus, we took an interview from Chairman of the National Development Agency Kh.Batjargalabout the “blueprint” for the country’s development.

-If you consider that a country—as well as an individual is able to develop and grow based on their plans, goals, and dreams, your organization would have to be the developer of the country roadmap for development. Is this understanding correct?

-To answer your question by referring to how you defined the role as an ‘developer’ of the journey map for development, the National Development Agency is not a government institution existing only today, more specifically since Mongolia transitioned into democracy. This is due to that our organization’s history began with the establishment of the State Planning Committee per Resolution no.106 issued by the Baga Khural Presidium of the People’s Republic of Mongolia in 1945. As a result of the eight 5-year plans that were developed and implemented by the State Planning Committee in 1946-1990, our country was able to transform from a country that was mainly focused on livestock farming into an industrial country. This is a clear example of how the Mongolian economy was developed through proper planning and organization throughout the years.



Бусад мэдээ

Нормаунт ХХК нийгмийн хариуцлагын хүрээнд,

“Нормаунт” ХХК нийгмийн хариуцлагын хүрээнд 2021.11.28-ны өдөр УИХ-ын Инновац, цахим бодлогын байнгын хороо болон Боловсрол, шинжлэх ухааны яам хамтран зохион байгуулж буй “Боловсролын салбарын цахим
