
About us

About Normount LLC

NORMOUNT LLC is established in March 2020 that provides heavy machinery and equipment sales, rental, brokerage, maintenance, information, consultancy, and contract support services to the mining sector.
Манай компани нь Өмнөговь аймгийн Цогтцэций сумын нутагт байрлах төрийн өмчит “Эрдэнэс тавантолгой” ХК-ийн Таван толгой нүүрсний уурхайн Цанхийн зүүн бүсэд нүүрс олборлолт, хөрс хуулалт, тээвэрлэлтийн ажлыг олон улсын жишигт нийцүүлэн, чанарын өндөр түвшинд гүйцэтгэн ажиллаж байна.


To be the leading company promoting the development of the Mongolian mining industry at a world-class level.


To utilize cutting edge technology, create a team of skilled personnel, comply with the occupational health and safety requirements in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, operate in an environmentally friendly manner, increase the profitability to investors and customers, and recognize our social responsibility, so as to make a real contribution to economic growth.

Core Values

The core values that the Company’s team must follow and work diligently and consistently to achieve its goals and adhere to in their daily business operations to become a leading company in the industry are“L.S.W.R.F.E.I”.
  • [L]aw and regulations
  • [S]afety
  • [W]orkplace culture
  • [R]eal contribution to economic growth 
  • [S]uccess with high-tech
  • [W]orld friendly environment
  • [I]nternational advanced practices

Our Principles

We strictly adhere to the following principles in our daily operations.

  • Be responsible
  • Be honest
  • Be the best for superior performance
  • Be adaptable to change and innovation